Anaemia is decrease in amount of red blood cells (RBCs) or the amount of hemoglobin in the blood. It can also be said as inability of the blood to carry oxygen. When anaemia comes on slowly the symptoms are often vague and may include fatigue, weakness, dyspnea. Anemia can also come with confusion.
.Anaemia due to blood loss: it's causes include trauma and gastrointestinal bleeding .
.Anaemia due to decrease in red blood cell production: its causes include iron deficiency, lack of vitamin B12, thalassemia and a number of neoplasms of the bone marrow.
.Anaemia caused by increase in breakdown of red blood cell: its causes include a number of genetic condition such as sickle cell anaemia , infection like malaria and some immune diseases.
It can also be classified based on the size of red blood cell and amount of haemoglobin in each cells.if the cells are small it is called (MICROCYTIC ANAEMIA) and if it is large it is called (MACROCYTIC ANAEMIA). Diagnosis in men is based on a hemoglobin of less than 130g/l while in women must be less than 120 to 130g/l.
Signs and Symptoms.
The signs and symptoms is based on the cause of anaemia its itself. Most common are
.General malaise
.Poor concentration
.Dyspnea ( shortness of breadth)
Note- In severe anemia, it may cause behavioral disturbance.
The treatment depends on cause and severity .Vitamin supplements
Folic acid or vitamin B .
Note: sickle cell anaemia can only be managed but cannot be cured.
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